Bradford Council will be a Gateway for the Government’s new Kickstart scheme

Bradford Council is pleased to confirm that it will be acting as a Gateway for the Government’s new Kickstart scheme. This means we can submit applications to the scheme on behalf of partner organisations who cannot meet the 30 jobs threshold that has been set nationally.

The scheme presents a fantastic opportunity for businesses to boost their workforce capacity whilst enabling young people to gain valuable, paid work experience by funding new posts for six months at national minimum wage for 25 hours per week. By acting as a Gateway we can maximise the number of local employers that can benefit from this scheme, and we are very pleased to be able to offer this service. Further information on the Kickstart scheme can be found here:

We are now working on our first Gateway submission with the aim that it will be submitted to the DWP by the end of October 2020. If you wish to put forward work experience placements for the scheme, please complete the short e-form This will provide us with the information that we need to include in our application to the DWP. I would be grateful if you could return as soon as is possible, or at the latest by noon on the 19th October 2020. We understand that there is a 30 day turnaround time at DWP once this is submitted so we hope to receive feedback on our submission by the end of November 2020.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch.

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