Does your business need help in 2024?

If so, become a Chamber Supporter and we’ll add you to our team.

The previous couple of years will be remembered by many businesses as the ‘Perfect Storm’ thanks in large to a combination of COVID-related restrictions, the war in Ukraine, rising energy prices, inflation and the effects of Brexit on the UK economy.

As such, the West and North Yorkshire Chamber want to offer their 'Support' widely to any business that needs it in 2023. Whilst we offer exclusive membership benefits and discounts to our paying members over the next 12 months we will be introducing a range of opportunities and partnerships with other organisations to offer no-cost support to help businesses survive and thrive as we recover together.

Chamber Supporter includes:

  • Webinars – Bitesize Boardroom
  • Digital downloads – Business Toolkit, Chamber Magazine
  • Events – online and in-person networking
  • Opportunity to take part in important economic research (Quarterly Economic Surveys)
  • Monthly email updates on business issues

All we ask in return is that you also Support us by subscribing to receive our latest news and offers. Simply fill in the form below to become a Chamber Supporter.

Subscribe to a series of LIVE Q&A webinars titled ‘Bitesize Boardroom’ with a panel of business experts, owners and entrepreneurs ready to answer your questions or problems you may be facing. Using their real-life experiences and many years in business themselves, they will all offer suggestions as to how they would approach solving each situation.

To learn more about the date, time and joining details sign up to our free Chamber Supporter today.

Becoming a Chamber Supporter will give you access to hearing more about our exclusive membership offers and how our networking events can help grow your business. You can attend these at non-member prices or by joining as Paying Member  you will receive many of these benefits included as part of your membership.


Chamber Supporter Sign Up

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