Bradford ‘Top of Town’ – Public Consultation

Bradford Council is proposing to totally re-purpose and revitalise a struggling area of the city centre that was previously the beating heart of its commercial and retail sectors by creating a “City Village”, a green, healthy and sustainable neighbourhood of 1,000 new homes. The 10-year regeneration plan will create a new community friendly environment with safer roads, extensively landscaped public spaces, revitalised independent shopping, and new business spaces that will provide a place where people will choose to live, work and thrive and where businesses will want to invest, trade and grow.

To make the most of the City Village project, funding has been secured from the National Lottery Heritage Fund and European Regional Development Fund to develop plans for improvements to the public spaces at the ‘Top of Town’ with a view to these public realm works being rolled out to the wider City Village area in the future.

We are at pre-design stage and are inviting feedback from the public and city stakeholders to understand their priorities for public realm in the Top of Town and City Village. We want to understand priorities for this investment and how people want to see public spaces adapt, including their thoughts on issues like active travel, on-street parking and more.

This project runs alongside the Bradford City Centre Townscape Heritage Scheme, which considers heritage and historic buildings in the city centre. The Townscape Heritage scheme is complementary to the Top of Town improvements project and has the joint aims to create a high quality and attractive environment in central Bradford.

What is the ‘Top of Town – Public Realm Improvements’ Project?

It is a public realm improvements project within the City Village proposals. This project is an opportunity to further establish Bradford as an attractive city for investment, make the Top of Town more attractive for investment and improve the wider district.

Public Consultation

The public consultation runs between 1st February and 1st March 2021. The consultation is digitally-led with a website ( including information about the project, a survey and interactive map where residents can have their say. A leaflet drop across the Top of Town will supplement this activity and allow residents without internet access to contribute.

We are keen to engage with a diverse range of residents and stakeholders, particularly groups who are traditionally underrepresented in consultations (e.g. young people, BAME residents and more).

Key requests for assistance promoting this consultation:

  • Please let us know your priorities by completing our survey at
  • Please promote the consultation on your social media channels
  • Share the consultation amongst your networks – both in Top of Town and across the city

If you have any queries or would like to discuss further please contact: Matt Joy, Social. E: T: 07388376267.

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