16th October 2024 – AMEY Challenge Cup

16th October: AMEY Challenge Cup – Year 8 & 9 Female students – STEM Centre, University of Bradford

Enter your school’s interest HERE

AMEY invites female students in Years Eight and Nine the opportunity to participate in the Challenge Cup. The event is designed to illustrate how many roles are available within the technology and engineering sectors. The student teams will be asked to create a sustainable Southern Gateway. This should be a positive, exciting, and welcoming place to live and visit. The Gateway should encourage people to come to Bradford, to live in Bradford, and to want to stay in Bradford. The design must consider the local environment, the space and facilities it offers, and the visual impact on the community. Considerable attention will be placed on sustainability and eco-friendly decisions (e.g. green spaces).

The competition will be held at the STEM Centre at the University of Bradford on Wednesday 16th October. Each school may enter 1 team (with a possibility of a second depending on interest) in the competition. Suggested team sizes are between 4 to 6 students. 

The morning session will be spent doing icebreakers and a student’s version of insights (students are allocated an animal and learn how they all have different skills). In the afternoon session the student teams research how to design and build a sustainable school before presenting their ideas back to the rest of the students and a panel of judges. The judges will announce the winning team who are then presented with the Challenge Cup.

Register your schools interest by completing our Challenge Cup EOI Form (we appreciate that you may not be able to name the individual team members at this stage, please register ASAP). If you have any questions, please email: bradfordCTE@bradford.gov.uk.