How is your business performing?

Tell us confidentially how your business is coping with the current economic challenges.

Provide important data in this short survey, which gets reported back to our national governing body (@British Chambers of Commerce), who then liaise with key influencers such as @The Bank of England, @Treasury and the @Office of Budget Responsibility to instigate change.

Make sure to complete this short survey before Monday 10th June.

A brief guide to our Quarterly Economic Survey.

What is the QES?

Our flagship Quarterly Economic Survey is the largest and most representative independent business survey of its kind in the UK. Run by the British Chambers of Commerce and the accredited Chamber Network, the QES is a clear example of how businesses like yours can play a vital role in the region’s economic landscape. It gives us unparalleled insight into the state of UK business and the health of the UK economy. The QES asks UK businesses if they have experienced a change in a range of indicators each quarter, including sales, exports, cash flow, investment, and recruitment, as well as the top issues of concern. This survey provides a wealth of data on UK business conditions.

Why should I take part in this survey?

The QES allows our Chamber Network to be part of the national economic conversation and play an influential role in finding the solutions needed to unlock growth for our members.

The survey is your opportunity to help shape our region’s economy – providing key research for us to feed back to the British Chambers of Commerce about and ultimately enact change where possible by speaking to key policymakers who can influence such decisions. With more businesses taking part in this survey, we can create a clearer picture of the current economic landscape, both across our region and nationally, highlighting any issues that businesses may be facing at present. Your input allows us to assess how businesses are performing amid economic challenges and helps contribute towards positive change within our region. Providing a response means that we as a Chamber can amplify your views to those who need to hear them.

Who does this survey influence?

The QES is closely watched by policymakers such as the Treasury, The Bank of England, and the Office of Budget Responsibility. It also attracts a significant amount of media attention. Data obtained from the survey is used by these organisations to make key decisions about business rates and other crucial factors which may affect the day-to-day running of your company. Your feedback allows us to be part of the national economic conversation, giving insight to help sway such decisions that are made.

How long does the survey take to complete?

The Quarterly Economic Survey takes approximately 5-6 minutes to complete. Hosted on Survey Monkey, the QES is easily accessible to complete online. A short amount of time which can have a significant impact. Please make sure to take part in the survey each quarter.

Can I view the data taken from the QES?

Following each Quarterly Economic Survey, the Chamber publishes a report outlining all of the data captured from the responses that we receive. These are available to view online at any time. Each report contains metrics which highlight the performance of businesses in certain areas, giving readers a general overview of the regional & national economy. Take a look at our previous reports here:

Make your voice count

Please complete the current Quarterly Economic Survey online