
Canvasing views from business on skills

Businesses of all sizes are being called upon to have their say regarding skills provision in the region.

West & North Yorkshire Chamber of Commerce is administering the Local Skills Improvement Plans (LSIPs) for both North and West Yorkshire, with the latter being done in conjunction with Mid Yorkshire Chamber.

LSIPs are targeted on local need and provision when it comes to skills and not on a one size fits all national template.

Chambers of Commerce nationally are administering more than 50 LSIPs which are designed to act as the conduit between businesses and educators.

A key part of this process is engaging with businesses around the geographies to gauge how the land lies for them with regards to their skill requirements.

A short six part questionnaire is currently being circulated which takes in matters concerning training, recruitment and future demand.

It only takes a couple of minutes to complete and can be accessed online: Take the Business Skills Survey

The findings will then set the scene for further, in-depth feedback on the survey, which will be collated at a later date.

Mark Casci, head of policy and representation at West & North Yorkshire Chamber of Commerce, said: “Our LSIP programmes are well and truly up-and-running and so far our engagement with both learning providers and employers has been invaluable in terms of giving us a picture of local requirement and provision.

“We want to reach as many employers as we can and this short questionnaire gives businesses large and small the chance to have their say.

“With skills frequently cited by employers at the top of the issues they face, the imperative is clear and LSIPs will help shape our economy for the years ahead.

“We are also delighted to be working with our colleagues at Mid Yorkshire Chamber on our West Yorkshire programme.”


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