
Chamber welcomes Pavers application

Commenting on the news that Pavers is to submit a planning application to expand its York facility Laurence Beardmore, president of York & North Yorkshire, said: “York & North Yorkshire Chamber of Commerce welcomes the decision from Pavers to once again seek permission to invest in the region.

“The company’s proposals will see 130 jobs created in York and represent a £19m expansion for the firm.

“Given that bosses at Pavers were considering pulling out of York entirely following the previous administration at City of York Council‘s ill-judged decision to knock back its warehouse expansion plan at Northminster last November, the fresh move from Pavers shows that its commitment to the region remains undimmed.

“Pavers is a fast-growing business which produces more than £6m a year in value to York.

“We would hope that the new administration at City of York Council would recognise Pavers has addressed previous concerns for its development and back its plans to bring wealth and prosperity to the city.

“In doing so, the Labour-led council could set a powerful precedent that York is a vibrant and attractive place to do business.”

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