
Help Shape the New North Yorkshire Destination Management Plan

Tourism businesses across the breadth of the county of North Yorkshire are a key component in the development of the new Destination Management Plan (DMP) for the region, and we would therefore like to invite you to an early conversation with our consultations in the first stage of the development of the DMP for North Yorkshire. This will be an open discussion where you will be able to feed in your views on key areas, including: Priorities, vision and aspirations for the future: what will work and what needs to happen, Visitor economy/destination strengths, challenges and opportunities and what you think needs to happen in the future and how do you see yourselves and services involved in a) the process and b) the implementation.

These sessions are a mixture of in person and online:

  • 17th May – The Old Deanery, Ripon – 11:00 – 13:00
  • 17th May – Skipton Castle, 15:00 – 17:00
  • 18th May – Scarborough Rugby Club – 11:00 – 13:00
  • 23rd May – Online – 17:30 – 19:00
  • 25th May – Online – 12:00 – 13:30

Attendance at these events is free of charge, please register via Eventbrite for further details and confirmation of attendance –

North Yorkshire Destination Management Plan – Product Audit Your Chance to Shape North Yorkshire’s Destination Management Plan

In addition to the stakeholder sessions we are undertaking a product audit of North Yorkshire’s visitor economy to better understand the views of industry.  We want to ask you some questions around the quality, quantity and distinctiveness of various aspects of the destination. This survey will ask about accommodation, attractions and experiences, food and drink, festivals and events, heritage and culture, landscape and countryside, towns and villages, access and transportation and visitor services.  We also want to gauge your views on what you think is prospering or holding back the development of the destination and understand some of the key priorities you feel should be taken forward.  Finally, we will ask a little bit about your business, and what you want.  To access the questionnaire please visit:  The survey takes no longer than 10 minutes.

The North Yorkshire team thank you for your time and interest in completing this survey, and shaping the future priorities of the Destination Management Plan

Photo by Illiya Vjestica on Unsplash

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