Does your business need support?

Become a Chamber Supporter & help the West & North Yorkshire Chamber of Commerce empower the business community.

Despite rising pressures and a continuously challenging climate for businesses to face over recent years, the West & North Yorkshire Chamber of Commerce continues to offer unwavering support for companies like yours.

Keep in the loop with essential business updates and learn more about various benefits you can access through Chamber membership. The West & North Yorkshire Chamber of Commerce has been in existence for over 150 years, building some meaningful connections in that time. Our purpose is to help connect, support and represent businesses across the region. Sign up as a Chamber Supporter today, for tailored information about what we do and how we can help your business flourish. Fill out the form below, to sign up as a Chamber Supporter now and obtain access to the following things:

  • Email updates - a monthly “Supporter” newsletter – outlining important business updates, member news and other valuable services you can access through Chamber membership.
  • Webinars - free access to our Bitesize Boardroom webinars, featuring expert panelists, owners & entrepreneurs to discuss important business subjects.
  • Events - including a weekly events update informing you about upcoming Chamber events across the region and how to book onto them. Both online and in-person networking opportunities.
  • The opportunity to take part in important economic research (Quarterly Economic Surveys) with reminders.
  • Digital downloads – including the quarterly Yorkshire Business magazine and more.

All we are asking for in return is your support by subscribing to our monthly newsletter. Simply fill in the details below to become a Chamber Supporter now, it’s FREE!

Gain access to a series of live Q&A webinars titled ‘Bitesize Boardroom’ with a panel of business experts, owners and entrepreneurs ready to answer your questions or problems you may be facing. Using their real-life experiences and many years in business, they will all offer suggestions as to how they would approach solving each situation.

Becoming a Chamber Supporter means you will stay in the loop with important business updates and upcoming events. Hear more about our exclusive membership benefits and find out how our networking events can help your company grow. Events can be attended at the non-member rate. For discounted ticket prices, please sign up as a Chamber Member. Be a part of the business community, fill out the form below to get started.

Chamber Supporter Sign Up

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