Regent Street flyover essential replacement works

Connecting Leeds, managed by Leeds City Council, are currently undertaking work to rebuild the Regent Street flyover. We are writing to let you know about some full weekend closures coming up on the A64(M) and A61.

The first weekend closure will take place on Friday 26 June – Sunday 28 June.

The closures on this weekend will only be during the hours of 8pm to 6am with the area reopening outside of these hours with lane restrictions.

On the following four weekends (4, 11, 18 and 25 July) the A61 and A64(M) will be closed for the full weekend from 8pm on Friday evening until Monday morning at 5:30am. Diversions will be in place.

For more information on the scheme and to download the diversion information, visit their website.

So that you can be prepared and try to limit any impact on your journeys, you can:

  • find out about traffic incidents by following Connecting Leeds on twitter 
  • plan your journey
  • consider more active forms of travel such as walking or cycling if you can
  • re-time your journey – try not to travel during peak times

Connecting Leeds would like to thank you for your patience while we complete these works.

The scheme is set to be completed by spring 2022.

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