Bradford Economic Strategy: One Year On

One year on from the strategy launch, Bradford Economic Partnership will be sharing with you the strong progress made in attracting new investment, starting up new businesses, building new partnerships and bringing more people into the workforce. The strategy wants to add £4bn to the district’s economy, generate 20,000 new jobs and improve the skills of nearly 50,000 residents by the year 2030…and the job is already underway!

  • 4,127 new Companies House registrations in 2018, the 9th highest in the UK plus 48 high growth scale-ups
  • 6,500 new jobs, a rise of nearly 5%
  • 20,000 BME women in employment, almost double since 2010
  • 7% increase in weekly earnings to £488 in 2018.
  • Bradford Literature Festival and the first ever Bradford Manufacturing Week, new names to the district and city region including PwC and Channel 4, and a city centre Business Improvement District established.

Find out plans for the year ahead and how your business could benefit. Wed, 6 March 2019;  17:30 – 19:30hrs Keighley College, Bradford Road, Keighley BD21 4HQ To book: Visit Eventbrite –

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