Call for employment sites in Bradford

Bradford Council is asking landowners to propose sites that may be suitable for future employment development and assist in the delivery of over 27,000 jobs. Draft Policy EC1 of the Core Strategy Partial Review establishes a need for 60 hectares of employment land to meet the economic growth aspirations the Council looks to achieve over the plan period. The ‘Call for Sites’ process is being used to help the Council find suitable employment sites to meet this need. Over the next 8 weeks, landowners and developers with potentially suitable sites are asked to submit them for consideration by the Council. The Council have identified a number of ‘Areas of Search’ for employment growth, where suitable sites are sought.  These search areas have been informed by the supply and demand analysis within the Employment Needs Assessment and Land Review (ENALR), which is also currently subject to public consultation as part of the Core Strategy Partial Review. Cllr Alex Ross-Shaw, Portfolio Holder for Regeneration, Planning and Transport said: “This is a vital piece of work for us, so that we can identify land for future economic growth and ensure we can deliver the 1,600 jobs per annum the District needs. We’re keen to work with landowners and developers to map out potential sites and be clear about where development could take place in future.” Marianne McCallum, Chair of Bradford Chamber of Commerce Property Forum, said: “It’s clear that, in order for Bradford’s business community to fulfil its potential and play a full part in our economic growth, that more good quality sites are needed.  We therefore urge agents, landowners and any others who can play a part, to come forward with potential land sites that can be considered for future development.  Bradford is on an upward trajectory and landowners can support that by making sites available now,.” Any landowners or developers with areas of land that they think may be suitable are invited to submit their proposals using the Council’s online form. Further information and guidance is available here

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