
Property sector explores new Bradford schemes

The heat is on as Chamber network gives key info to property professionals

Businesses from West Yorkshire’s property sector met recently to receive presentations on two schemes underway in Bradford.

The new Darley Street Market and a £50m low carbon heat network were scrutinised by a business audience, courtesy of West & North Yorkshire Chamber of Commerce. The Bradford Property Forum – one of the Chamber’s many lobbying groups with networking opportunities – also included a question-and-answer panel in which experts debated the District’s future development and growth prospects. Nearly 50 business professionals heard from Kier Construction of the technical challenges of building the new market, while representatives from 1Energy noted that Bradford is just the latest of 45 heat networks nationally.

The panel session covered the current land shortage for both housing and commercial development, what the Southern Gateway scheme could do for the city, and considered how appropriate or not it is to list buildings like the Richard Dunn Centre. Edward Marshall of Frank Marshall Estates, Jennifer Winyard of Barratt Homes, and Chris Eaton of Bradford Council made up the Q&A panel. The event was chaired by Matt Rudman from Vectos.

The Chamber puts on quarterly Property Forum events in Bradford, Leeds and York & North Yorkshire. Contact the Chamber at representation@wnychamber.co.uk for more information or visit the website at www.wnychamber.co.uk The events are open to all members and are often of wider interest than just property professionals, as the talking points include general economic development and growth, skills and labour market issues and topical business concerns in the areas in which they are held.

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