David Skaith-HD

Business leaders wanted to help shape region’s economy

The Mayor of York and North Yorkshire, David Skaith, is seeking business leaders to help shape economic growth for the region.

A new Business Board is being created at York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority, which wants to ensure businesses can reap the benefits of devolution.

“Innovative and passionate” business leaders are being sought for the board which will advise the Combined Authority on economic strategy and policy decisions. The board will also help the Combined Authority bid for fresh investment and engage with businesses, opinion formers and policy makers to help generate economic growth.

York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority was formed in January this year and is headed by Mayor Skaith, who was elected in May. The organisation is tasked with delivering the region’s historic devolution deal, worth £540 million.

Mayor Skaith, who ran a high street business prior to taking up office, believes the new board will create opportunities for businesses across the patch.

David Skaith, Mayor of York and North Yorkshire, said: “The business community will play a vital role in ensuring our region has a connected and thriving economy where we are reaching our full potential.

“The diversity of our business community is one of our greatest strengths. Small and high street businesses are at the core of the York and North Yorkshire economy. We also have future focussed, high growth businesses, who are leading innovation and creating new and higher paid jobs, in areas such as digital, agritech, biotech and creative industries.

“Every type of business should benefit from devolution and a stronger economy. As Mayor, I want to champion businesses in York and North Yorkshire and enable their expertise to help shape delivery of wider issues, such as transport, housing and skills. I want to improve our region’s productivity so it is no longer 10 per cent behind the national average – business voices can help us with that.

“The creation of the Business Board will enable me to understand and take action to best support businesses and create opportunity for all, across York and North Yorkshire. If you’re passionate about business and passionate about the future for York and North Yorkshire, your voice is important, and I want to hear from you.”

Including spending from a Mayoral Investment Fund, which includes a high street business initiative, the Combined Authority will deliver £112 million of investment in 2024/25 across York and North Yorkshire. This includes a £67 million local transport fund, £12.7 million for brownfield housing, £10 million of green economy investment and £2.9 million for skills provision.

To apply to the new Business Board, visit the York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority website at: www.yorknorthyorks-ca.gov.uk

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