Consultants needed for Heritage Scheme

Property-focused businesses are needed to be included in a ‘Consultants List’ to be used by Bradford Council on a local building restoration scheme.

We’re asking businesses to join a list, to be held by the local authority for use when speaking to property owners and tenants, as part of the ‘Townscape Heritage Scheme’ (THS).  The scheme provides financial assistance to owners and tenants to restore historic buildings in the city centre conservation area commonly known as the ‘top of town’.  To be eligible for grants, owners need to engage a consultant on what is needed to restore a building, so the list will various property-based operators (though the following list is not exhaustive).

–        Quantity surveyors

–        Structural Engineers

–        Mechanical & Electrical Engineers

–        Chartered Architects

–        Agents & Valuers

–        Building Surveyors

This is not a ‘quality assurance’ list, whereby the Chamber or the Council guarantees the credibility of the consultants.  The Council, as the facilitator of the scheme, is unable to suggest particular consultants, and so has asked the Chamber of Commerce for help in drawing up the consultants’ list just for this scheme.

More on the THS is available here.

To join the list, email with details of which category applies to you.

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