What is innovation
Innovation is inherent in all businesses and can be described as the concept of introducing something new. Our expert team can help you to identify the innovation within your business and investigate ways to maximise its potential for growth.
Examples of business areas that we will discuss with you are:
Investigating ways that improve efficiency and productivity within your business. This can include, although is not restricted to, automating production processes or restructuring teams.
Investigating ways to innovate business management which may involve an in depth evaluation of the leadership team or a full review of business strategy.
Reviewing the core business strategies to identify innovation that will improve the business growth process. This could include partnerships and collaborative working or investing on relevant new technologies.
Looking at existing products to add new features or investigating the production process with a view to reducing costs. This may involve adopting new manufacturing processes or pivoting an existing product to introduce it to a new industry.
Considering changes to an existing service, or introducing a new one entirely. This could, for example, involve moving a service online or introducing an existing service to a new customer demographic.
Finding new and creative ways to market to your customer base in order to increase sales. This may include looking at branding, packaging an pricing structures.
Looking at any innovation with the main aim of increasing revenue and profitability. This may include considering new ways of charging customers or a rethink of existing pricing structures.
Is there a gap that you can exploit to adapt the industry or market for you product or is their an opportunity to create an entirely new market.
Contact us today
To learn how your business can benefit from our support, please email us on innovation@wnychamber.co.uk
West and North Yorkshire Chamber is an Innovate UK Business Growth delivery partner for the region.
Innovate UK Busines Growth is a key part of the UK innovation agency’s investment in innovative businesses that drive economic growth. It is a publicly-funded service available to all high-potential small to medium-sized innovation-driven companies, including Innovate UK grant winners.